Create & Manage Forums

Use Forums to publish categorised topics that users can comment on and react to. If you have multiple apps assigned to your account, each app will have its own, contained forum.

Creating a Forum

When creating a Forum you will be able to provide a title, formatted content, a publish time, and selected categories. Target individual groups or all users with access to the app.

Once a Forum is published, users are notified via push notifications. If you do not want users to be notified you can select the Disable Notification option.

How to create a Forum

  1. Open Chat & Forums. If you have multiple apps, select the app to which you will publish.

  2. Select Forum on the left-side menu.

  3. Select the plus icon in the toolbar menu, then select New Forum Post.

    1. Add the Forum Name.

    2. Add the feature image (minimum 1024x768px).

    3. Write a description in the post text space.

    4. Provide Alternative Text (Optional). This text will be used in post listings and search results.

  4. Slide to #categogory-and-settings. Complete the required details.

  5. Slide to Targeting. Select and deselect the groups that will be able to view this post.

  6. Save.

Forum Category & Settings

Publish Date & Time When the Forum must become available on the app.

Categories Assigned Forum categories. You can create categories using the Manage Categories feature.

Resources Resources to include in the Forum. Resources can be PDF, images, video, or audio files.

Disable Notifications Selecting this option disables new Forum post notifications to users.

Targeting Make the Forum available to selected groups or all users with access to the app.

Manage a Forum

Once a Forum is created, you can update and manage it at any time. To do this select the options icon on the Forum you wish to update.

Pin Post Keeps the Forum at the top of the list.

Manage Users Manage users in a Forum. See moderating.

Lock Forum This will prevent further messages from being sent or received. You can unlock again at any time.

Update Opens the Forum editor.

Archive Select the archive option to unpublish the Forum and archive. You can restore a Forum at any time.

Delete Select delete to remove the Forum completely, including comments, media and logs.

Last updated